
Welcome to the Montana BMW Riders Club Website

A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving. - Lao Tzu

About The Club


The Montana BMW Riders Club is an informal group of motorcycle riders located in and around Montana. We are fortunate to have such incredible riding opportunities in our state and enjoy riding here and other places throughout the world. Even though our name says BMW, all makes of bikes and riders of all abilities are very welcome.

Once a month, especially in warmer weather, we descend upon a remote destination, accessed by terrific roads, for a meal and socializing. See our Ride Schedule for our next gathering spot. Other scheduled rides, riding contests, and a Tech Day (weekend of maintenance and repair) are usually planned during the riding season. Our club places an emphasis on safety and offers members an opportunity to receive scholarships or partial reimbursement for rider skills improvement training.

A monthly newsletter is published, emailed to the members, and posted on the website, filled with suggested rides, activities, photos, and entertaining stories from your peers. We are financially supported through membership dues and our advertisers in the Newsletters and website. Please support those advertisers that support us. All officers and staff serve voluntarily with no financial assistance from the club.

We are a chartered club with the BMW Motorcycle Owners of America and the American Motorcyclist Association. You do not need to be a member of these clubs to participate in our functions or to join our group.  Our club bylaws may be downloaded at this
link. We hope to see you on the road!

BMW Motorcycle Owners of America Charter #: 155
American Motorcyclist Association Charter #: 6930


If the email links below don’t take you to your email client (some don’t support this) you may just copy the link into your email to contact Club officers and staff. We look forward to hearing from you.


President: Larry Manchester email

Vice President: Bill Clark email

Sec/Treas: Al Murray email


Newsletter Editor: Richard French email

Web Master: Lance Lerum email


Club Historian: Kim Lemke email

Mileage Contest Coord: Larry Banister email

BMWMOA—Reg. Coord.: Tom Moe email

BMWMOA—Ambs: Kevin Huddy email

Annie Huddy email


News from the Club

September Lunch Venue Change

Our restaurant in White Sulpher is closed on Sundays so we will be meeting for our September lunch in Wilsall at the Vault on Sunday the 15th at 1:00. Of course, with this bunch if you show up at 1:00 you’ll be late!


President’s Corner

A couple of weeks ago the Magnificent Seven, (Larry Manchester-S Tenere 1200, Ken Senn-1200 Tiger, Joe Frechette-1200GS, Ken Conrad-Africa Twin Sidecar rig, Lynden Clark-1200GS, Mike Hoferber-1200RT, and Dean Hall-1200GS) embarked on the Mountains and Museums ride. We agreed to officially start the ride in Red Lodge on a Sunday morning and head over the Beartooth Highway. Five of us came from the Missoula-Bitterroot area, one from Helena and one from Billings. Most of us used Saturday to ride to Red Lodge. Dean chose the all Interstate route, Ken Senn, Lynden, and I took the scenic route through Wisdom, Dillon, Twin Bridges, Whitehall, to 4 corners. Joe met up with us in Whitehall; he took Skalkaho Highway over to Anaconda, Butte and Whitehall. Joe was just starting to fill up in Whitehall when we 3 pulled up on the opposite side of the pumps - great timing.

We rode through Norris to the 4-Corners for a nice lunch at the Kountry Korner Cafe. A nice lady in the Cafe noticed our riding gear and asked if we were snowmobiling. In August? We jumped on the Interstate at Belgrade and rode to Columbus for the nice ride through Absaroka and onto Red Lodge. A great day riding, we were all tired but anxious for the ride over the Beartooth the next morning. Unfortunately, the Magnificent Seven became the Better than Average Six. Dean’s 1200GS ran great to Red Lodge, but sometime during the night the BMW gremlins hit and the next morning the BMW went into limp mode when started up, with no throttle control at all. We were sad to have to leave Dean behind, but that gives us an excuse to ride the Beartooth again.

Ken Conrad led us up the Beartooth on his sidecar rig. I have new respect for how well those rigs can take corners. I am sure having an experienced rider like Ken helps too. We stopped at the Grand Vista Scenic pullout for some pictures. We all soon learned that anytime Ken Conrad stops, a crowd would gather to talk about and look at the sidecar. There is no such thing as a 5 minute stop when riding a sidecar. We split up while Ken was talking sidecars, a few of us wanted to stop at the Top of the World store for some stickers. On the way there we stopped for some pictures and Ken and Mike passed by, so we figured to meet up at the Store. Unbeknown to us they pulled over at a place we could not see them and when we got to the store they were not there. We waited 20 minutes or so and then moved on thinking they were on the way to Cody. We stopped a couple more times, the last being the Sunlight Basin viewpoint, what a view!

We got to Cody and checked in and no Ken Conrad nor Mike. We were tired, and a little worried about the wayward souls. All of us had been to the Buffalo Bill Museum before so it was not a big deal to miss it. After an hours wait, two of us started back towards the Chief Joseph Highway to look for our missing riders. About 15 miles out of Cody I noticed the outline of a sidecar rig followed by a motorcycle headed our way. They had been found. We followed them into Cody to find out they had taken a side trip to Cooke City to look for pie! They will never live that one down. Dinner at the Irma Motel in Cody was a good ending for the day.

We had a good breakfast in Cody and headed south toward Thermopolis, Wyoming and my hometown of Shoshoni, Wyoming. The ride through Wind River Canyon is amazing and well worth the trip. There is a new convenience store/truck stop in Shoshoni called the Fast Lane. It is quite a place. We got gas and refreshments there and took a break. Shoshoni is almost the midpoint of the Wyoming BDR, and there were many off road riders at the Fast Lane also. I think including our bikes I counted 18 bikes or so. We were looking forward to the National Museum of Military Vehicles (NMMV) just east of Dubois, Wyoming so we hit the road and took a back way through the Missouri Valley area. I lived in that area prior to moving to Missoula in 2005, bringing lots of memories as we rode through the farmland. The NMMV did not disappoint. It is a world class-museum and I highly recommend it. The admission is good for two days. Veterans get a discount by the way. And if you want to do the Museum properly two days is needed. We spent about 3-½ hours there and barely touched the surface. There are every kind of military vehicle imagined, from WWI, WWII, the Korean war and of course the Vietnam era. There are planes and helicopters outside as well. They have a nice cantina that serves food and our favorite, ice cream. I walked the main winding hallway through all of the exhibits and did not have time to read all the information posted. When I got back to the front desk and told them I had walked all the way they told me that was 1.5 miles! My artificial knees can attest to that.

The Twin Pines Lodge in Dubois was our home for the night. Very cozy, and other than the fire siren right across from the motel that went off around midnight, it was very quiet. The ride over Togwotee pass the next morning was met with some smoke. Two forest fires had sprung up in the area from lightning strikes. It obscured the view of the Tetons until we dropped down in the Gros Ventre Valley closer to Jackson. The view of the Tetons never gets old. We took the Moose-Wilson Road to Teton Village thus avoiding the traffic in downtown Jackson. Had a nice lunch in Wilson at a Cafe where Lynden’s nephew is part owner. From there a short ride over Teton Pass to Victor and Driggs Idaho and a twisty two lane road through farm country to Ashton, Idaho where we stayed for the night. Ken Conrad recommended the Rankin Motel in Ashton, built in 1939 and it is still in the same family. Great little motel with some cabins and motel rooms.

The next morning, we said goodbye to Mike as he headed off to Billings. Ken Conrad had a little issue with lost keys but after a few minutes we were ready to ride. Ken Conrad suggested the scenic ride up to Mesa Falls. What a beautiful side trip, and the short hike down to the falls is rewarded with great views of the Henry’s Fork cascading over the Falls. The road brought us out in the Island Park area, and we all continued on to Ennis along the Madison River. At Ennis Ken Conrad broke off and headed for home in East Helena. The four remaining riders rode through Virginia City, Twin Bridges, Dillon and west to Wisdom and into the Bitterroot Valley. I have ridden that route many times and it is amazing each time. I got home around six that night, the trip meter on the Tenere read 1,235 miles. Miles and miles of smiles.

It was a great ride with some great friends. We shared a few beers, (after riding for the day) of course. We told some stories, (they made fun of my Bigfoot stories), and we laughed a lot. Makes me want to start planning another trip for next summer. Any ideas out there?

Larry Manchester, President, Montana BMW Riders

From the right, Lynden Clark, Mike Hofferber, Ken Senn, Ken Conrad, Joe Frechette and Larry Manchester. Dean Hall was the photographer.

Check out the September Newsletter for all the photos accompanying this ride report! LL

Safety Course Incentive Program

The purpose of the Safety Course Incentive Program (SCIP) is to encourage safe and responsible riding habits by partially underwriting continuing motorcycle skill education courses taken by members of the MONTANA BMW RIDERS Motorcycle Club. If you were a member (dues paid) on and since April 1, 2024, then you are eligible for reimbursement of up to $50 for the cost of the course you took. The training must be intended to improve your riding skills for either on or off-road riding. Only one course per year can be reimbursed.

The SCIP is administered by Kevin Huddy. Courses offered by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation, Lee Parks Total Control, RawHyde Adventures, or courses offered by the BMW Motorrad Performance Center are approved. Track days are not generally eligible. If you have a course, you think may be eligible, then contact Kevin. Qualified club members will be reimbursed up to $50. If more than eight members qualify, then the available funds will be divided equally among the applicants.

Requests for reimbursement can be made after the completion of an approved safety course but must be received prior to October 1, 2024. Payments will be made by the club Treasurer in October once all applications are received. Submit request for reimbursement to Kevin by email. Requests must include proof of successful completion of the course. Proof can be in the form of a legible copy, scan, or photograph of the original document.

Kevin Huddy, MOA Ambassador

Club Caps

!Only Khaki color left!

Ten dollars each; contact any of the club officers: Al Murray, Larry Manchester, or me.

K. Bill Clark, Vice President


2024 MTBMWRiders Mileage Contest

Ladies and gentlemen,

As I’m writing this for the April newsletter, my wife and I are still in Arizona. That may be relevant to you for a couple of reasons: 1) The start date of our annual mileage contest is April 1st, 2024 and I will not be home in Montana at that time; 2) I have yet to receive my MOA magazine which should have the beginning mileage contest forms from MOA in it (BMW MOA mileage forms are on line The Mileage Contest - BMW Motorcycle Owners of America (; or at this form link; and 3) My spread sheet for the mileage contest is safely stored on my home desktop, thus my ability to update it will have to wait for me to get home.

What all of this means is that this is the official notice of the beginning date of our Montana BMW Riders Mileage contest. Our rules for participating are pretty simple:

1. You must be a paid up member of the Montana BMW Riders to participate;

2. Any brand of motorcycle is eligible for the contest (not exclusively BMW’s which is a national mileage con-test requirement);

3. You may enter any number of owned motorcycles into the mileage contest;

4. If you buy a new motorcycle during the contest and originally signed up, you can enter the new ride when you get it;

5. All entries must include the make, model, year and beginning mileage of each motorcycle you’re planning on entering;

6. All entries must be in writing. They can be mailed to me at my address 102 Ironwood Place, Missoula, Montana 59803, they can be emailed or texted to me.

7. To count for this year’s contest, all entries must be submitted on or before 4/30/24. (Given my location in Arizona, and the fact that some email entries and/or snail mail entries may get lost in the dark hole of transit, please keep a copy of your entry.

When I get home to Montana, I’ll update this years mileage contest spread sheet with the names and motorcycle in-formation as per above, and will get a copy of that spread sheet for membership-wide distributions. If, when you get a copy of that spread sheet and it does not include your name and bike info, you need to contact me by resubmitting your initial entry info as what has happened is that I didn’t get it for some reason.

Reasons for entering: 1) It’s the BMW trademark to ride our bikes, not just look at them; entering this contest will help you keep track of your mileage; 2) there’s CASH involved…the overall winner gets a check from the club for $75, the one who’s overall mileage is closest to the calculated “average mileage” of all participants will receive a check for $75; 3) after excluding the overall winner and average mileage winner from the total participants, the remaining names are placed into a hat, one is drawn, and this individual becomes the “at large” winner and the recipient of a check for $50. 3) The overall winner gets his/her name engraved on the club mileage plaque which is kept on display at Big Sky BMW in Missoula. (What more could you ask for!!!??)

As our group is know for adventures and as you can see from the club newsletter, there are a great many of club excursions planned, this should be a great year to get out and ride. Why not let me keep track of our mileage for you (you could win cash for riding!).

Looking forward to hearing from you beginning in April. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me as per instruction #5.

It’s a pleasure to bring this contest to the table again this year, thanks for participating,

Larry Banister, Montana BMW Riders Mileage Contest Coordinator

Ride Schedule

Join us at one of our monthly lunch rides at various locations throughout Montana. Guests are always welcome. Come for a meal, comradery, talk bikes, travel, visit, and just have a fun time. Forewarning here, but you will likely find that you would like to join the club and take advantage of all our membership benefits.



The club publishes a monthly electronic newsletter that is emailed to all members. Each issue is also archived and linked in our website for anyone to view. We are all proud of the work our editor is doing in compiling club news, contributions from staff, members, and advertisers. Ride stories, ride maps, equipment reviews, fun photos, and other items of interest to club members are all included each month. Click on a month to open past newsletters in a new window. Check them out!

2024 Newsletters

2022 Newsletters


2021 Newsletters

2020 Newsletters


2019 Newsletters

2018 Newsletters


2017 Newsletters


2016 Newsletters


2015 Newsletters


2014 Newsletters

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

2013 Newsletters


2012 Newsletters



Montana BMW Riders welcomes new members of all riding abilities and you do not need to ride a BMW motorcycle to join and reap the benefits of membership. As you can see from this list of bikes owned by members, we have a diverse interest in bikes and riding styles.

BMW: 92, Suzuki: 8, Harley Davidson: 7, Honda: 6, Kawasaki: 6, Yamaha: 6, Triumph: 5, Ural: 4,

KTM: 3, CANAM: 2, MotoGuzzi: 1, ROKON: 1, Vespa: 1, Royal Enfield: 1

Members may be partially reembersed for participating in motorcycle training classes. Follow this link for more information. The website for Montana’s Rider Training courses is

Submit your request for reimbursement here


Our club encourages safe riding practices and promotes rider training. Most members are advocates of ATGATT (All The Gear All The Time) and you will seldom see members riding without their safety gear.

Our goal is to make our riding passion as safe as possible, with an objective of being able to ride to the next lunch date.

If a 6 year old rider like the one in the photo can have the where-with-all to dress appropriately, we should let that peer pressure be our guide..

Other membership benefits include:

  • Participation in raffle drawings at monthly lunches

  • Email receipt of Newsletters prior to website posting

  • Participation at Huddy’s Tech Days to take advantage of a well equipped shop and the expertise and advice of club members (whether solicited or not 😁) while conducting maintenance or repairs on your bike

  • Participation in club riding contests that are educational, challenging, and fun

  • The likelihood of finding a compatible riding partner or two and the motivation to take those dream rides

  • Enjoy the comradery and tales of a great, young of mind, diverse bunch of motorcycle riders

$15 for a yearly membership is a tremendous value and if you are at all lucky in our monthly raffles or take advantage of our training scholarships you could well make money on the deal. However, the financial outlay really is secondary to the experience and enjoyment you will have participating in this club. Please consider joining our group….we’d love to have those new stories on rides and at events.

MTBMWRiders Club bylaws may be accessed with this Link.

The form below may be used for new members to join or to update information on your current membership. Please make any changes to your contact information or bike ownership so we can keep our listings current. We welcome your membership in Montana BMW Riders and thank you for joining us. Twelve month membership is by calendar year.

To join or update, please complete and submit the following form and mail a $15 check to the address below.

Payable to: Montana BMW Riders

To this address: MTBMWRiders

36 S. Last Chance Gulch L-8
Helena, MT 59601

12/1/2023 Update:

Our Sec-Treas, Al Murray has now made it possible to pay your dues electronically.

This is accomplished using the VENMO app on a mobile phone. To get started, scan the QR code shown below right and download their app to your mobile phone. Next follow the instructions to set up your account using a debit card.

When you are ready to pay your 2024 dues, you will see a location to type in the business. In this area type “Montana BMW Riders Club” and identify it as a ‘BUSINESS’, and you should see a business profile as shown on the lower right.

It is very important that new members also complete the membership form below.

If you do not complete the membership form and pay with Venmo, we have no way of knowing who you are or your contact information so that you may receive our monthly newsletters and other communications. It would be great if all renewing members would also fill out the form to update their bikes and other changes; but it is imperative for new members to do so.

Follow the instructions for payment.

For questions, call ALBERT MURRAY, Secretary-Treasurer

Thank you for completing the fields be
low. Required fields are indicated with an asterisk.

Member’s Classifieds

Only current MTBMWRiders Members may have ads listed on the website. This is a public site and non-members are welcome to visit and respond to these classifieds. Please use due diligence in vetting purchases so you are not subject to fraudulent transactions. MTBMWRiders Club cannot assume any liability for a transaction gone awry.

Email the Webmaster by copying this link into your email client to submit listings for the website.

Please adhere to the following guidelines when submitting your ad:

• Ads submitted to the Newsletter are not automatically posted to the website since not everyone desires this. Just ‘cc’ me your email with submitted ad photos and text if you want your ad posted on our website,

• let us know when you no longer need the ad posted,

• ads will expire after four months if we don’t hear from you to extend,

• Please limit your number of photos for the Newsletter as pages are limited. If you want more photos, I can add more on the website,

• and thank you for sending in those ads. I think they add to our Club’s benefits and may help you pass on those items no longer needed to a fellow MTBMWRider member.

Links to Email and phone are used to minimize exposure to scammers. Just mouse over the links and the address or phone number should show up in the lower left of your computer screen.


2008 BMW K1200GT for sale

Bike was custom ordered from the Medford BMW dealer and has been maintained by that dealer except for the last recent oil change. It has 155 hp, is fuel injected, has power windshield, cruise control, heated grips with two settings, heated seats with separate control for rider and pillion seat, both with two settings. It has 29k miles and gets 45 mpg. The Pirelli tires are two years old with about 8k miles and still good. It has tire pressure monitoring and low fuel warning, gear display, and traction control.

Everything works on the bike. I bought it without riding it and found out it was too tall for me. I have dropped it while standing still and is priced accordingly. It is blue booked at $6,460.00. The price is reduced due to some scratches. It is a great handling bike with great brakes and lots of power.  The sale includes the owner’s manual and three keys that cost $253.00 each.

I am 76 and my wife wants me to quit riding even though I feel very capable to. I am selling it at end of summer price of $4,799.00. If it doesn’t sell soon, the price goes up $1,000.00 next summer. the Bike is currently stored in Missoula, MT.

 Contact Donald Harford by phone or email to arrange a viewing.


New Motorcycle Gear

My wife thought she might like to ride but never did so this gear, never used, is for sale.

OlympiaAirGlide 4 jacket size Size L

Slider Jeans size 12

TourMaster boots size 39

MensOcelet Racing adventure/offroad boots size 10 – like new.

Make reasonable offers and pay for shipping and its yours.

Call Tom Moe


1988 BMW R100GS


Owned 7 years

24,800 miles

Tires need to be replaced

Comes with original seat as shown and Corbin saddle in excellent shape (covered with wool blanket)

Recent owner maintenance

Owner coached by Bob Clement in Roberts, MT

Located in Helena, MT

Contact new member Phil Smith by phone 


1999 BMW R1100RT

Reduced price $2995

Low miles @ 49950.

Excellent shape. Full service at Big Sky Motorsports in Missoula at 48498 miles.

Tires have about 3k miles. Starts and runs great. Loves curves.

with ABS Brakes

Electric windshield.

Road lights.

Accessory tray.

Family switched to 4 wheelers so it hasn’t been ridden much in last the five years.

Everything works as expected.

Paint on end of mirrors chipped (bike falling over when stopped).

Just needs someone to ride/enjoy it.

Bike is located in the Bozeman area.

Contact: Larry Hayden by phone or email

"leave a message and I'll return your call"


 Caribou Pannier Cases w/ mounting racks

A very good condition set of 35L Caribou (by Pelican) Panniers w/ rack. Do not know what bike(s) rack will fit... I've never installed them. 

You can find the proper rack for your bike at

Cases are waterproof & lock. 

Asking $250 obo

Contact Al Murray by email or phone


Riding Gear to pass on

BMW  Riding boots size 9 or 42  $10.00

Red Jacket , Biker's Choice  Size Large,  with liner  S20.00

First Gear, All Season Jacket, with Liner, Size large $50.00

First Gear, All season Bibs, Men's 34 long,    $50.00

Contact:    Lon  McComas    by phone


2003 Harley Davidson Trike


Less than 50K

One Owner

Immaculate Service Records

Stage 2 Big Bore Kit

Many Other Accessories

Will Deliver in Montana

Call Phil Haglund


• Sargent seat, fits BMW R1100/1150GS

• $150 + shipping if unable to pick up in Helena (Huddy's Tech Days?) or at a club meeting.

• List $449.95 from Sargent.

• Link to Sargent website:


Ken Conrad by phone or email


2007 BMW R1200RT

 26,700 miles  $7,000 obo

 One owner from new

Only routine maintenance ever required

Fuel filter and forks seals have been replaced

Second set of tires has at least one good season left

Engine is very strong and she is a smooth rider

Includes hard side bags, hard trunk, and BMW tank bag

Has rider pegs mounted on the engine heads

Not pictured and included is a new large size, summer riding jacket, neon yellow


The upgraded running lights were purchased in 2007 and no longer operate but could easily be replaced with a more modern system

Also the cover blew off while I was working out of state for five months and there is sun damage on the hand controls

 CONTACT: Greg Boynton in Bozeman by phone or email

click on images to enlarge




The following businesses provide financial support for our club, assisting us in financing our website and club activities. Please support these local businesses as your needs arise. We appreciate their support and thank them.

Click on the ad to open All Moto Tire’s website.

Innovative Solutions Group



25 years of providing professional Montana web design and development services has taught us what works and what doesn’t.

This business is owned by one our MT BMW Riders Members.

Website link here


It is always great to have one of our members advertise their business with our club. Many of us know the Clarks from our lunch meetings, but did you know that we now have a member that can weld that GS frame you broke from carrying too much weight, just like Ewan and Charley? And to powder coat all those bits to truly make your farkles stand out is an added bonus. Find them at their website and on facebook.



Once the stories have been told and the campfire has died down, the perfect end to the day is to crawl into your room, tent, under your rock, wherever, and pull out a good book to read until it hits you in the face three times and time to call it a day. Jesse and his crew can likely find you that perfect book to pack along on your next ride. Stop in at one of his three locations and support a fellow mtbmwriders member. Follow this Link to the bookstores’ website.

Big Sky Motorsports

BMW, KTM and Kawasaki sales and service.

The only BMW dealership in Montana and a long time sponsor of our club.

Link to website

Lochsa Lodge

Visit the Lochsa Lodge while traveling one of the best riding roads in the area. go to their website at this link

Mountain Hot Tub

After that long ride a good soak may be just what is needed to relax and cure those aches.

Mountain Hot Tubs will likely have what you need.

website Link

Vibrant Hearing

If you are ready for custom in-ear monitors or improved hearing protection out on the road, you should consider Vibrant Hearing to address your needs.

Windermere Insurance Agency

Bob Pauley has been a Montana BMW Riders Member located in Hamilton, Montana. If you are planning a move into or out of the Bitterroot Valley Bob can likely assist in with your real estate needs.

website Link